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About Us


Turning Interest Into Action

Wherewithal Development Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society. Our goal is to tackle issues such as homelessness, food scarcity, veteran assistance, personal grooming, economic growth, family support, stable housing, and mental health. By focusing on these areas, we aim to create a more just world where everyone has access to essential resources like shelter, food, and healthcare.

We offer various programs and collaborations to cater to the diverse needs of individuals and families. Our food program supplies meals and assistance to those facing food insecurity. Our veterans' program provides resources and support for veterans struggling with their transition to civilian life. Our grooming program offers basic hygiene and self-care items to those in need.

Our job training and placement program contributes to economic development by helping individuals gain the necessary skills for meaningful employment. Our family development program offers assistance to families facing difficulties, including counseling, education, and financial aid.

Our permanent housing program is a key initiative that aims to provide secure and affordable housing to those experiencing homelessness, addressing the underlying causes of the issue. We also focus on mental health, offering counseling and other services through partnerships with mental health providers.

The success of our mission depends on the generosity of donors like you. Your contribution, regardless of its size, has a significant impact on the lives of the people we serve. We appreciate your consideration in supporting Wherewithal Development Foundation, and together, we can create lasting change for those in need.

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Wherewithal Development Foundation

Is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization established in 2021. 

EIN# 87-2306333

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